Cyber Attack


Over the past 3 decades, our infrastructure has been becoming more and more reliant on computers.  Many of these computer control and regulate the many infrastructures (Electrical grid, water, sewer, transportation, supply chain, etc.)  that support and maintain our modern existence.  These systems (both those connected to the internet and those that are not) are vulnerable to attack and sabotage from remote, using nothing but a few lines of computer code.

A cyber attack differs from an EMP in that the only systems compromised (generally) are the targeted systems, however, because most every aspect of our modern life relies to some extent on the power grid, a power grid attack would be particularly devastating.


History (Has this happened before)

Back in 2007, a test conducted by Idaho national labs showed that an electric generator could be completely destroyed by a hacking incident.  However,  we do not have to go that far back for examples of cyber attacks on our infrastructure.  Unfortunately, our recent headlines are chocked full of cyber attacks, the most disruptive as of late was the Colonial Pipeline Hack.


What can be done:

Prepare to live life with out electricity, cars or modern communication technology.   Keep your car gas tank at least 3/4 full, keep several weeks to months of cash on hand in a safe, in case you cant use your cards, or the ATM.  Vote for and advocate for resilience in our power grid, transportation, and other vulnerable sectors.



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